Saturday, December 1, 2012

Thanks to everyone who has donated fleece to's been very helpful.  We tied blankets earlier in the week (on Tuesday) with my Scout Troop, church youth group, and other family, friends, and people from my church.  We had 56 people show up to help in all!  I was amazed to see so many people show up to help me!  We tied around 75-80 blankets that night in about an hour and a half! 

I now have 84 blankets tied and 14 more that were donated already tied for a total of 98 ready to go to PCMC!  There are a number of blankets (around 15 or so) still out there that people are tying for me so I will be well over my goal of 100 blankets!  I also have 35 hats back that have been sewed by my Grandma Deb and other people in my church.  We have a bunch more out that are still that will be sewed in the next week (somewhere around 80-90).  Here is what I have back so far:

I still have another week to collect clinic prizes and there were a lot of people that signed up to donate.  Here are the clinic prizes I have had donated so far.  

My due date for all donations is next Sunday, December 9th.  I am very excited about how well my project is going so far and having a lot of fun and learning a lot about leadership and how to manage a project. 


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