Friday, December 14, 2012

Cool Final Stats From My Project

We added up all the hours and number of people that contributed to my project and have some pretty impressive results!  Check it out:

  • 203.5 - The total number of service hours that people donated to my project
  • 73 - The number of people that donated time to my project
    • 21 were Boy Scouts
    • 18 were other youth or kids (including my Church Youth Group and my sisters)
    • 9 were registered Boy Scout Leaders
    • 25 were other adults
  • 44 - The number of people that donated materials or supplies to my project
Also, I wanted to say a special THANK YOU to my Grandma Deb who donated 21.5 hours (or more) to sewing hats, tying blankets, and many other things!  Her ward also donated all of the books to my project from their Children's Book Drive as part of their Christmas Party. 

I also want to thank my Mom (19.5 hours) and Dad (15 hours), who spent a lot more time helping me than their hours show.  Also, a special THANK YOU to all of the people that put in long hours to sew hats for me.  My project wouldn't have been nearly as successful without you!



  1. Congrats have the utmost right to be proud of what you've organized. Job well done!!
