Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Books! What a surprise!

I found out last night that I will have some books donated to my project as well.  My grandma's ward (church) is doing a children's book donation drive as part of their ward (church) Christmas party next month and they didn't have anywhere planned to donate the books to.  My grandma mentioned my Eagle Project to someone in her ward and they said they would talk to the committee about donating them to my project if they didn't have anywhere else planned to donate them.  My grandma found out yesterday that they want to donate the books they collect from the Christmas party to my project for PCMC.  How cool is that?  It was a big surprise, but I am excited to get more stuff that we can donate to help the kids at PCMC!  Thanks Grandma Deb!


May the fleece (force) be with us tonight!

I am so excited right now!  My Scout Troop and youth group from my church along with some family and friends are meeting at my church tonight at 7:00pm to help tie blankets!  We have a lot to do and I hope we have a lot of people show up to help.  I have 90 pieces of fleece that are ready to become blankets for the kids at PCMC!  May the fleece (force) be with us...


Booyah! (fleece goals reached)

Hello!  I wanted to say thanks for all those people who dropped off fleece donations yesterday or who helped in other ways (time, donating supplies, clinic prizes, etc.).  I also wanted to say thanks to my dad's friend Ernest (Cam's dad) in North Carolina for a very nice Paypal donation, which we used last night to go to the store and buy more fleece for blankets.  As of this morning, I have reached my goals for getting enough fleece for over 100 hats and 100 blankets!  I have 90 trimmed pieces of fleece now for blankets and another 14 tied blankets that were dropped off for a total of 104!  We have enough fleece now to also make well over 100 hats!  Booyah! 

90 pieces of fleece sitting on my couch ready to be cut and tied!

Fleece ready to be sewed and cut into hats!

Thanks again to all who have helped with my project so far!


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Getting closer to my blanket and hat goals!

I have had a lot of fleece donations come in over the last few days.  My mom and I spent a good amount of time this afternoon going through all of the fleece and deciding what we will use for hats and what we will use for blankets.  As of tonight, I have enough fleece to make 108 hats and 63 blankets!  Since my project goal was 100 hats and 100 blankets, I think we are doing really well! 

Me and my mom cutting fleece into smaller sections for hats and blankets:

Here's the stack of fleece we have for making blankets (before two more donations came in tonight):

Here's the stack of fleece we have for making hats (including some hats my grandma made already):

Thanks to all who have donated fleece or time to my project so far.  I really appreciate everyone coming together to help me reach my goals and to help make the kids at Primary Children's Medical Center happier!  I only need enough donations to make 37 more blankets!  Thanks everyone! 


Coloring Books are almost done!

I met with Annette today (the artist is who is doing all of the pictures for my coloring book) so she could show me the drawings...they look amazing!  She did an awesome job!  Thanks Annette!  My dad is adding all of the text to her drawings tonight.  I am so excited that my coloring book will be done later tonight!  Here's what one of the pages looks like (that's me, my mom, and my doctor in the picture):


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Fleece in da house! (my dad is a nerd)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanks to everyone who has donated fleece to my project so far.  Also, a very special thanks to my dad's friends Darren (in North Carolina) and Jared, who donated to my project also.  They couldn't donate materials, but still wanted to help out so they sent some money to my dad through Paypal so we could go and buy more fleece.  We went shopping on Tuesday night and I was able to purchase a lot of highly discounted fleece for my project thanks to their contributions.

Right now we have a lot of fleece in my house that will make up a good number of hats and blankets, but I am still really short of my goal of 100 blankets and 100 hats.  I am expecting a good number of fleece donations from people who have already signed up to come in by Sunday, November 25, which is my deadline so hopefully that will help.  We are getting a bunch of people together on Tuesday, November 27, including my Scout Troop and church youth group, to tie all of the blankets that we have fleece for.  Here's what we have so far:

If anyone else wants to donate that hasn't signed up, I would love your help!  Please call, email, text, or Facebook me or my parents. If you want to donate materials (or Paypal donations to buy more fleece for those far away) after Sunday, November 25, that's fine too.  We can always tie more blankets afterwards.  :-)  I am hoping to deliver my project to PCMC around December 12th.  Thanks to all who have helped out!


More Coloring Book Updates

I met with the artist on Tuesday who is going to be doing the drawings for my coloring book.  She said my project sounds really cool and she is glad she is able to be a part of it.  After talking to her about what I wanted to show in each picture, she said it will turn out really good.  I am really excited about how these are coming together.  Thanks Annette! 

Also, my Mom's cousin Cindy called over the weekend and said that she picked up 20 packs of crayons to go with my coloring books, which is a great help!  Thanks Cindy and Joe!


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Coloring Books Update

I am working on the rough draft for my coloring book today.  I have all the ideas down now and did some rough draft drawing to go with them.  It's coming out better than I thought!  Hopefully the kids at the hospital will like it!


More Volunteers!

I got ten more volunteers from church today to donate materials and time to sew.  Woo hoo!  I now have 37 people signed up to help!  Thanks everyone!


Saturday, November 17, 2012

First donations!

My project is going well so far.  I was able to get the rest of the signatures for my project plan earlier in the week. 

I now have had 27 people sign up to help me with my project including donations and volunteering to help sew the fleece hats for the cancer patients.  I had my first clinic prizes and fleece donations dropped off last night and this morning to my house which made me really excited!  It feels like my project is really happening now!  Thanks to everyone how has helped so far and will help in the future! 


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Video Message...

Hello all!  I finally finished my video last night that I have been working on for a while.  I hope you like it!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

My Eagle Project Information

Hello, my name is CJay and I am a Boy Scout in West Jordan, Utah.  I am starting to work on my Eagle Project and I would like your help. 

Who My Project Benefits and Why I Chose This Project
For my Project, I have decided to create some hand-made items that I will be donating to Primary Children’s Medical Center in Salt Lake City, Utah.  I have been a patient there for all of my life and have had three open-heart surgeries.  Since my surgeries, I have spent a lot of other time there for echocardiograms, MRIs, other tests & procedures, and many doctor’s appointments.  The doctors and nurses there are amazing and have taken very good care of me over the years.  I know that they have saved my life and I want to be able to give something back to them and the hospital. I know what it means to be nervous and afraid to go to the hospital for surgeries or other tests and appointments.  I also know how good it made me feel when they gave me something special to have during my stay and take home with me when I was done.  I want to be able to provide some of these same items that I received to the kids that are going through similar things that I did.    

What I Am Donating:
The items I am planning to create and donate include fleece hats for cancer patients and hand-tied blankets.   I am also collecting store-bought items that will be donated as clinic prizes while kids are staying at the hospital.  I am also planning to create my own coloring book that will help the kids to not be as nervous or scared when they are at the hospital.  I am asking for your help in my Eagle Project and helping the kids at Primary Children’s Medical Center to have a better stay at the hospital.    

My Goal:
MY GOAL IS TO DONATE 100 OR MORE BLANKETS AND 100 OR MORE FLEECE HATS BY THE MIDDLE OF DECEMBER.  Here is the details on what I am asking for to be donated to my Project:


  • 1-2 yards each
  • Any color or print
  • Fleece should be around 58” wide 
  • 1/2 yard (half a yard will equal two hats)
  • Any color will work, but they are in great need of hats for teen boys, so solid colors are preferable
  • Fleece should be around 58” wide 

  • 8-pack crayons, bubbles, single pack Hot Wheels/Matchbox cars, nail polish, stuffed animals (beanie baby size or a little bigger), yo-yo’s, 2-5” size balls, playing cards/card games, board books for babies and toddlers, mini Nerf footballs and basketballs, spa products for girls, handheld games (i.e. Yahtzee, Sorry, Solitare, etc)  


I need volunteers that would be willing to sew the fleece hats.  These should be fairly easy to stitch with a sewing machine or by hand.  I will provide instructions once I have volunteers signed up.


November 25th - I need all unfinished fleece for blankets and hats by this date 
December 9th - I need ALL donations by this date

***Feel free to contact me or my parents by home phone, cell phone, email, or on Facebook if you have any questions or would like to donate.  Also, if you would like to donate to my project but can't donate the items I need due to being too busy or you don't live close enough, contact me or my parents and we can discuss how you can contribute.  Thanks for your support!***

For more information on Primary Children's Medical Center, please CLICK HERE!

What Is An Eagle Scout and Project?

The Eagle Scout is the highest rank you can earn in Boy Scouting.  This has been my goal since I starting doing Scouting when I was nine years old.  If I am successful, I will become the youngest Eagle Scout in the history of my troop.  I want to earn the rank of Eagle Scout because it will make my family proud and it will serve as a good example for the rest of my troop to be able to achieve their goals as well.  I love Scouting and all of the good that it does for me, my family, my community, my country, and to God.  Earning the rank of Eagle also requires me to live the Scout Oath and Scout Law, which I try to do each day:

Scout Oath:

On my honor I will do my best

To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Law:

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

The Eagle Project is the last and most difficult part in becoming an Eagle Scout.  The Eagle Project requires me to plan and manage a large service project for a religious institution, school, or part of my community.  In order for my project to be approved, I need to lead the entire service project and get members of my family, community, and others to help volunteer and donate to my project to make it successfulI am excited about starting my project and looking forward to your support!

Welcome To My Blog!

Hi everyone!  Welcome to my Eagle Scout Project Blog!  I have never done a blog before so this is all new to me.  Hopefully this will be a good way to keep everyone up to date on my project.  Please check back often as I will be providing updates on my project.  Thanks for your support!